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Joseph Nyland, Speech Pathologist at Domain Health

Joseph Nyland

    Speech Pathologist

    Joseph is an Irish Speech and Language Pathologist who graduated from University College Cork, having completed his Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Speech and Language Therapy. He has worked with both paediatric and adult caseloads in a variety of settings across the private and the public health care systems in Ireland. Joseph relocated to Australia in August 2021 and started a role with Domain Health shortly after. Working within the NDIS therapies team, Joseph has gained specific experience with a disability caseload. He has worked closely with families to develop the speech, language, and social communication needs of our clients with a range of conditions, including autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and global developmental delay. He believes in taking a person-centred approach to empower clients and their families to target their goals in a holistic and functional way. Outside of work, he is trying as many new sports as he can find, including footie, disc golf, and skateboarding!

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