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Clinical Pilates

Discover The Balance Of Body And Mind With Pilates

Start your Pilates journey with Domain Health and embrace a path towards enhanced strength, flexibility, and inner tranquility. Recognising the struggles with physical discomfort, limited mobility, and the pursuit of a balanced lifestyle, the Pilates sessions here are thoughtfully designed.

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Experienced Instructors

Experienced Instructors: A Team Dedicated To Your Progress

State-Of-The-Art Studios

State-Of-The-Art Studios: Modern, Fully-Equipped Environment

Your Session, Your Preference

Your Session, Your Preference: In-Studio, At-Home And Online Options

A group of Clinical Pilates experts sitting around a laptop in an office.

At Domain Health, we believe in nurturing the individual, not just treating the condition. Our commitment is to provide holistic, personalised care that empowers our clients to lead healthier, happier lives.

- Chris Jellis, Director & Physiotherapist at Domain Health

Pilates For Today, Strength For Tomorrow

Clinical Pilates

Pilates is more than just exercise. It's a journey towards a stronger, more balanced self, fostering resilience and confidence.

Who Can We Assist?

Pilates is a versatile discipline, and at Domain Health, we welcome everyone, irrespective of their fitness journey.

Whether someone is a complete novice looking for a gentle introduction to physical wellness, an athlete aiming to enhance performance, a senior citizen desiring improved flexibility, or an individual on the road to recovery post-injury, our doors are open. Our sessions are designed to cater to a diverse range of needs, ensuring that everyone finds their place and pace within our studio walls.

Clinical Pilates services for adults

How Can We Assist

At Domain Health, our approach to Pilates is both holistic and individualised. Recognising that each person comes with unique goals and challenges, our instructors take the time to understand these nuances. We then craft a blend of breathing techniques, controlled movements, and focused attention tailored to each individual.

Beyond the physical, we also emphasise the mental and emotional benefits of Pilates, ensuring that every participant leaves feeling rejuvenated in body and spirit.

Clinical Pilates services for children

Tailored Sessions, Tangible Results

The beauty of Pilates lies in its adaptability, and at Domain Health, we harness this adaptability to its fullest. Our sessions are not one-size-fits-all; they are meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs and aspirations of each participant. By doing so, we ensure that the exercises are both engaging and effective.

As participants progress through their Pilates journey with us, they’ll notice tangible results – improved core strength, better posture, enhanced flexibility, and a heightened sense of well-being.

Geriatric Clinical Pilates services on Domain Health

Why Choose Domain Health For Clinical Pilates

Seeking a space where sessions are engaging, results are evident, and the atmosphere is welcoming? Domain Health is the place.

A woman practicing clinical Pilates on a pilates machine.

Attentive Instructors

The team of Pilates instructors brings a wealth of knowledge, years of experience and a genuine care for each individual. They guide with a gentle yet informed approach, ensuring sessions are both beneficial and enjoyable.

Holistic Wellness Approach

Domain Health doesn’t just focus on physical strength and flexibility but also emphasises achieving mental tranquillity and overall well-being through Pilates. The sessions are not merely exercises but a holistic approach towards a balanced lifestyle, considering the mental and emotional wellness of participants.

Tailored to Individual Goals

Every person comes to Pilates with a unique set of goals, be it rehabilitation, core strengthening, or flexibility enhancement. Our instructors take the time to understand these objectives and craft sessions that are tailored to meet and exceed them, ensuring a personalised journey towards better health.

Adaptable Sessions for All

Recognising that every individual comes with unique needs and capabilities, the Pilates sessions are adaptable to cater to all. From beginners to advanced practitioners, the sessions are moulded to ensure they are accessible, beneficial, and safe for everyone, regardless of their fitness level or physical abilities.

Flexible Scheduling and Modes

Understanding the busy lives of our clients, we offer flexibility in scheduling, with options for early morning, late evening, and weekend sessions. Additionally, for those who prefer the comfort of their homes or are pressed for time, we provide virtual Pilates sessions without compromising on the quality of instruction.

Take The First Step Today

The right support today paves the way for a brighter, healthier future. Join us, and let's journey towards well-being together.

  • Experienced Professionals

  • Results-Driven Approach

  • Convenient Scheduling Options

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A woman performing Clinical Pilates on a black background.


We've spread our wings across Melbourne to bring top-notch healthcare closer to you. Whether you're near Prahran, South Melbourne, or Mill Park, there's a Domain Health clinic waiting to welcome you. So why wait? Step into a world of comprehensive care and warm smiles today!


Visit our Prahran clinic, where modern infrastructure meets serene vibes to curate your personalised health journey. Convenient parking options and a warm, welcoming environment ensure your visit is stress-free and revitalising every time.

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A woman working on a laptop in an office.

Mill Park

Experience wellness redefined at our Mill Park clinic, offering a state-of-the-art facility nestled in a tranquil environment to enhance your health and well-being. With ample parking and a vibrant, supportive atmosphere, we aim for a therapeutic overall experience.

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A woman working at a table in Prahran with two laptops.Domain health therapist working on a laptop in an office.
Domain Health therapist

Frequently asked questions

What is Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is a specialized form of Pilates that focuses on the rehabilitation and prevention of injuries and pain. It is typically conducted under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist, who tailors the exercises to meet the specific needs and goals of the individual.

How is Clinical Pilates different from regular Pilates?

While both Clinical Pilates and regular Pilates involve similar movements and principles, Clinical Pilates has a stronger emphasis on rehabilitation and injury prevention. It often incorporates modified exercises, additional equipment, and specific techniques to address individual musculoskeletal issues.

What are the benefits of Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates offers several benefits, including improved posture, core stability, flexibility, strength, and body awareness. It can also help alleviate pain, enhance movement efficiency, prevent future injuries, and promote overall physical well-being.

Can anyone participate in Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is suitable for individuals of various fitness levels and ages. It is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries, managing chronic pain, or seeking to improve their movement patterns. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if Clinical Pilates is appropriate for your specific condition.

How long does a Clinical Pilates session typically last?

The duration of a Clinical Pilates session can vary depending on individual needs and the clinic’s protocols. Generally, sessions last between 45 minutes to an hour. The frequency and duration of sessions may be recommended by your healthcare professional based on your goals and progress.

What should I expect during a Clinical Pilates session?

During a Clinical Pilates session, you can expect a combination of exercises that focus on improving core strength, stability, flexibility, and overall body awareness. The exercises may be performed on the mat or using specialized equipment such as reformers, stability balls, or resistance bands. Your physiotherapist will guide you through the exercises and ensure proper form and technique.

Do I need to bring any equipment or wear specific attire for Clinical Pilates?

In most cases, you don’t need to bring any equipment for Clinical Pilates sessions as the necessary equipment will be provided by the clinic or studio. However, it is recommended to wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows for ease of movement. It is also advisable to bring a water bottle and any relevant medical records or reports if you have a specific condition or injury.

How soon can I expect to see results from Clinical Pilates?

The time it takes to see results from Clinical Pilates can vary depending on individual factors such as your condition, consistency of practice, and adherence to any additional recommendations. Some individuals may experience improvements in a few sessions, while others may require longer periods. Your physiotherapist can provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific circumstances.

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