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Chris Jellis, Director (Physiotherapist) at Domain Health

Chris Jellis

    Director (Physiotherapist)

    Chris graduated from Melbourne University with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy. Chris and his wife Brigid started Domain Health in 2010 with a passion for helping people to achieve their goals, and to create vibrant connections amongst their staff and clients. Chris has a clear purpose that fundamentally health care and therapeutic services need to focus on understanding the whole person and family unit, not just the pathology or diagnosis. Chris’ proudest moments come in seeing the growth and positive impact the Domain Health team have had on helping people within their communities, and how they go about fostering those relationships. In his spare time he enjoys adventure, sport and playing with his 3 kids!

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    Speech pathologist sitting at a table in Domain Health office.Speech pathologists sitting at a table in Domain Health office.Physiotherapists sitting at a table in Domain Health office.Healthcare experts in Domain Health officePodiatry experts in Domain Health officePersonal trainers in Domain Health office

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